Pre-Registration to: Torchlights' Academic Cybersecurity Tournament February 2020
DO register ONLY using your full ACADEMIC email (such as or, etc. Not a, not a, not a,  etc. email address!).

This page will be updated with additional information later on such as the "save the dates" section below. Do come back later on :)
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What is Torchlights' Academic CyberSecurity Tournament?
A CyberSecurity Tournament is being organized in February for the student registered to the Master in CyberSecurity as well as the Specialized Bachelor in Information Security.

Several partners within the industry will be challenging the participants within their respective arenas.

This is an opportunity to meet and challenge your potential future colleagues, to have fun, to win prizes and to learn and gain lots of experience.

In essence, this Tournament is a platform for CyberSecurity professionals, students and academics to meet, share knowledge, create new projects and live new experiences together! As such, we allow for heavy customization in each arena. As such, always expect a few rough edges in some of the arenas.

A ceremony will be held after the tournament to congratulate the participants, thank the partners and distribute their prizes. Additionally the winner of the tournament will receive a certificate of accomplishment.
Who is organizing this?
While Dia Scio & Torchlights are the coordinators of this Tournament, a HUGE amount of investment and work is also done by many sponsors and partners. The partners are the ones creating the arenas themselves.
Some have been partners since the start of this Tournament and newcomers are joining us every year. You can see the list of partners and sponsors on the Tournament's webpage. These are the ones you should look for, thank, congratulate and be impressed by for the wonderful job that they have been and are offering you in this Tournament!
Therefore, while due to the partners' list's size and changing nature we could not name the Tournament after all these organizations' name, this Tournament is yours and theirs more than anything!
A few links before starting
This page: invite your fellow students!
Official webpage: see what happened the previous years :)
Pre-Register your team (4) and subteam (2) :
Arena Xiobe Slot Reservation:
Information on all the arenas: (<= fetch your updates there)

Check the news on this page. We will update it.

Not used: Blog:
Not used: RSS Feed:
What's this page?
This is a registration form for the Academic Cybersecurity Tournament organized for the students in the Master in Cybersecurity and the Specialized Bachelor in Information Security.

More are invited. For example, the students from all the institutions organizing those cursi are also invited as guests. This means that they are legitimate participants and you are free to forward them this invitation!

However, the schedule will be organized around the former students. Also, if an arena can accommodate only a certain amount of participants, priority will be given to the former students.

This year, for the first time, we will allow a few select employees from the partners to participate separately to a few select arenas that agreed to welcome them. These professionals should have a ranking that is separated and will not earn any prizes. It's an experience, let us see how it goes.
If you didnt, change it now. If you submitted something incorrect previously. Make a new submission, your previous one will get deleted anyway!
DO register ONLY using your ACADEMIC email (such as or, etc. Not a, not a, not a,  etc. email address!). This is mandatory and essential for prize distribution (no academic email = no prize and disqualified! Your prizes shall be kept and used for other purposes. You can interpret that as you agreeing to relinquish voluntarily your rights to any prize or a failure to succeed a first test of the Tournament which is registering properly.).
Registering several times? Per platform?
This first registration will allow us to inform the arenas organizers of the amount of participants. It is a sort of "pre-registration" in a way. The more pre-registered participants there are, the more companies will be willing to challenge you (organizing an arena has fixed and variable costs. Those fixed costs cannot be covered if there aren't enough participants). However, if you pre-register, make sure YOU PARTICIPATE. Otherwise, those companies will lose trust in us all (the students in those studies, the organization, the institution, etc.).

Each arena might ask of you to register to that particular arena (solo, in teams, etc.). This might be required to access a particular website, receive some credentials or access a building. The everlasting challenge of balancing security and usability or comfort.
Anyway, when further registering to different arenas, DO keep the same email address and alias. Otherwise, your points will be lost into oblivion and so will the prizes.
When is this organized?
Short answer: 2020: From Feb 1st to Feb 19th.

Long answer:
All the arenas of the Tournament will be open during the month of February. When registering, out of politeness, you are expected to participate to ALL the arenas of the Tournament. This is mandatory. Nonetheless, you stay in control of the amount of investment in each arena. So if you feel overwhelmed at any time, keep in mind we are only asking you to give it a try, do your best but please, don't die trying :D. Participating is even more essential in particular for live arenas. This Tournament is also a challenge to push you to keep the right balance between all your activities and obligations (including sleeping, studying, etc.). It is an opportunity to meet and bond with lots of people that have a similar interest to you including your fellow students, members of Torchlight and maybe your future employers and collaborators. Absentees from any arena after registration will be disqualified from the whole tournament and might be banned from future tournaments. When registering, you are asked to at least "try" each arena, show what you can do. Additionally, to earn any prize, you need to score in all the arenas at least one arena point. Otherwise, you will be disqualified except if you could not participate because an arena was already full.

There are "online"/"asynchronous" arenas and "live" arenas. A live arena is an arena that is organized by regrouping all the participants in the same place on the same day. We are informing partners, the arenas organizers, that these live arenas albeit extremely stimulating and fun are harder to organize due to space-time constraints. Nonetheless, these arenas require a lot of work (and money) to make. They will most certainly be organized on a Saturday. See the "Save the Dates" section.
Why we collect these information
Our "role" in collecting these information that you are providing by filling this form is to facilitate the organization of the Tournament, to transmit that information to the various 3rd parties organizing the Tournament. We have no authority nor control on those third parties regarding the handling of the information you provide in this document. This information will be stored on Google Servers (at the least since this is a Google Form). The whole point of filling this information is to transmit it to various third parties for the purpose of organizing the tournament (granting you access to platforms, building, the ranking, the prizes etc.). Therefore, by filling this form you agree with us handling your information in such a manner.
Registration, pre-registration
Once registration are closed (in a few weeks), we will only contact students that did provide us with their academic email in this form. Register now if you want to get the information regarding the Tournament, don't wait :) Registering via this form doubles as registering to this Tournament's newsletter. Once registered, you will receive the mails sent, if any, after your registration about the Tournament (not those sent prior to your registration). Hence, early birds shall receive more information and late registration might make you miss some info.

Notice that your order of "pre-registration" is also your priority to participate to the arenas. This means that if, for a reason or another, an arena could not accommodate all the pre-registered participants (because of late registrations for example or a lack of space within a company's office, etc.), then your access and participation will be granted and expected based on your priority. "First come, first served"
In some Arenas you will be working in teams of 4, in some in teams of 2 (half of your team of 4) and in others alone. Therefore, we have put a team composition link at the top of this document. Decide on a team of 4 (e.g. team number 4) and how you will split into two teams of 2  (e.g. teams number 4.1 and 4.2).
Do not forget to register your team or to join an existing one if you see empty slots!
Scoring System
Participants earn points in arenas ("Arena points"). These "Arena points" allow to produce an "Arena Ranking" and thus to declare an "Arena Winner".
Based on the "Arena Ranking", participants collect "Tournament points". These "Tournament points" allow to produce a "Tournament Ranking" and thus to declare a "Tournament Winner".
Making a distinction between "Arena points" and "Tournament points" allows the partners to distribute points and decide on a scale for their "scoring system" as they see fit. One arena can provide 1 point per challenge and have 20 of them, another can have 40 challenges for 100 points each and another can have a single very big "all or nothing" challenge with not arena points. As long as all these arenas are producing an "Arena Ranking", it is fine.

Tournament points
If an arena is team-based, each member of the first, second and third ranking team will respectively receive three, two and one point.
If an arena is solo, the five first participants will receive five, four, three, two and one point respectively starting from the first to the fifth.
Participants with equal ranking in an arena will receive equal points added to their score in the Tournament.

In case a prize cannot be distributed/split amongst participants with the same score, the organization might use randomness to decide the winner of the prize. Therefore, in addition to disqualifying you, giving hints/solutions to other teams/participants works against you in the arena AND in the Tournament (if you helped a team have the second place in an arena, they will obtain more Tournament Points which might decrease your own Tournament ranking).
All is fair in love and war ... but this is not the case here
This is not a war, neither really a love story. The point is clearly to enjoy Cybersecurity together, share, learn, challenge ourselves. Hence while in certain events elsewhere it could be assumed that all is fair, in this case cheating is obviously not allowed. It is considered a disgrace with regards to the objective and the spirit of this Tournament.
Therefore, be sure to support the spirit of the event and only share information with your teammates. While we support the sharing of information between participants not in the same team AFTER the ceremony is closed (we can even book a room for you to discuss writes-up etc.), please do not create unfair coalitions between participants or teams. It would clearly be shameful.
Not understanding this basic code of ethics could disqualify you from future ventures in professional organizations and associations, in particular those related to the Tournament.
Save These Dates
Currently scheduled dates for live arenas:
2020-02-01 (Saturday): Xiobe Lockpicking Arena (co-organized next to FOSDEM that way you can attend both events :)) Reserve your Slot Here:
2020-02-15 (Saturday): SANS Arena

2020-02-27 (Thursday) from 08AM to 03PM: The Ceremony shall be organized on Thursday 27th February  in Brussels, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Campus Plaine, Building NO, Fifth Floor/Level, Solvay Room ( Université libre de Bruxelles Campus de la Plaine Boulevard du Triomphe B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium 50°49'11.9"N 4°23'52.1"E 50.819981, 4.397811'11.9%22N+4%C2%B023'52.1%22E/@50.8199818,4.3972638,19z). The room is booked from 08AM to 03PM. The start hour of the ceremony and of potential partner write-ups of their arenas challenge is not decided yet (it shall depend on how many companies wish to do so). It's the same day as so you should have the day free of classes and can join jobday-sciences in the afternoon :)
Pseudonym (Alias) (do keep the same alias during the whole Tournament. You are free to use your real name or not, it is up to you.) *
Lastname (Nom de famille) *
Firstname (Prénom) *
I will participate to ALL the arenas of this Cybersecurity Tournament (if you would like to vote "no", then do not fill this form) *
I am registered to *
I hereby ask that the information I provided are transmitted to the companies and organizations collaborating to the organization of the Tournament. The same goes for information produced during the Tournament including the list of participants declared as cheaters or absentees (if any). I am aware that this information is stored and handled via the Google Services. (If you would like to vote "no" ... then do not fill this form.) *
We only allow two types of participants. Which one are you? *
In case I end up the winner of the Tournament, I agree to have my name published on the Tournament's webpage (answer whatever you prefer) *
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